This index option breaks the Linville database names into alphabetic compartments with a similar number of entries in each compartment.
- (?), to (?), Rebecca
- (?), Rebecca to Alberson, Troy Ayres
- Alberson, Velma to Arnold, Janet Marie
- Arnold, Jean to Barber, Susanna
- Barger, Deborah N. to Bernhard, Mary Elizabeth
- Bernstrauch, Marilyn Jane to Bohn, Lena Augusta
- Boicourt, Marie to Braddock, Wilma
- Bradford, Deborah to Brown, Clarence Oval
- Brown, Connie to Bullens, James Chalton
- Buller, Barbara Jean to Campbell, Tracy Jeanne
- Canaday, Polly to Chapman, William Lewis
- Charles, Dorothy Marie to Cole, Tina Michelle
- Coleman, Abel to Cooper, Stella
- Cooper, Thomas to Crim, Harmon
- Crim, Hasten Linville to Cundiff, Wilma Jean
- Cuningham, Ruth to Davis, Zolah M.
- Davison, Betty Lou to Doan, Walker
- Dobbs, Ida to Dyer, Mary Nell
- Dyke, Charles Kenneth to Estep, Vernie
- Estes, Elizabeth to Fitts, William Person II
- Fitzek, Cheryll to Frisk, Tori
- Fristoe, Francis Margaret to Garrison, Myrtle
- Garrison, Nancy Ann to Goodin, Pherba Elizabeth
- Goodin, Robert Joseph to Grimes, Pauline
- Grimm, Catherine to Hamilton, Willie
- Hamm, (?) to Harsha, Thomas
- Hart, (?) to Hemminger, Mabel
- Hemmings, Hettie to Hill, Laura Elizabeth
- Hill, Lila M. to Houston, Sarah A.
- Houts, Maude Harriett to Insko, Sarah
- Ipoch, Lucinda to Jobe, Willie May
- Jobes, Nancy Ellen to Jones, Nat
- Jones, Nathaniel to Key, Wilson John Thomas
- Kidd, Chestine to Laing, Roxanne Laurel
- Laird, Araletta Madaline to Lee, Patsy Ann
- Leebody, (?) to Linvill, Jacob F.
- Linvill, Jacob Haines to Linville, (?)
- Linville, (?) to Linville, Ann Kathleen Ph.D.
- Linville, Ann Louisa to Linville, Bertrand
- Linville, Bess to Linville, Caroline
- Linville, Caroline to Linville, Claude Harrell
- Linville, Claude J. to Linville, Della
- Linville, Della to Linville, Edward Moses
- Linville, Edward N. to Linville, Emmalee Ray
- Linville, Emmaline to Linville, Francis Marion
- Linville, Francis Marion to Linville, Guy Hanford
- Linville, Guy Hanford II to Linville, Ida E.
- Linville, Ida E. to Linville, Jane
- Linville, Jane to Linville, John B.
- Linville, John B. to Linville, Karen Branden
- Linville, Karen Gayle to Linville, Letha
- Linville, Letha Ann to Linville, Lucy
- Linville, Lucy A. to Linville, Marion Douglas
- Linville, Marion Edward to Linville, Mary Eunice
- Linville, Mary Eva to Linville, Millie
- Linville, Millie to Linville, Nelson
- Linville, Nelson to Linville, Permelia
- Linville, Permelia Ella to Linville, Robert Earl Jr.
- Linville, Robert Edward Jr. to Linville, Sally Rae
- Linville, Sally Whicker to Linville, Stella
- Linville, Stella Catherine to Linville, Vera Elizabeth
- Linville, Vera Jewell to Linville, William J. Franklin
- Linville, William Jackson to Lorenzen, Wanda Mae
- Lorenzer, Marsha Lee to Mangum, Sylvia Hope
- Mangus, Danny to Mathers, William Charles
- Mathews, Almeda to McCrorie, Mary
- McCuiston, Cora J. to McQueen, Ralph
- McVey, Evelyn Jean to Miller, Wonnie Buell Jr.
- Millett, Carolyn to Moore, Margaret
- Moore, Margaretta Alice to Murphy, Virginia
- Murray, Ann to Nicklos, Lottie
- Nicolay, George Henry to Owen, Zelma Pauline
- Owens, A. Fannie to Peeples, Richard Hall
- Peeveler, Joseph to Pippin, Flossie Lee
- Pippin, Flow to Preddy, Thomas Jefferson
- Prekowitz, Carol Ann to Rankins, William D.
- Rape, Marjorie Alice to Reynolds, Wayne Russell
- Rhine, Alice Sophia to Robertson, Kevin L.
- Robertson, Kyle to Rowe, Willie L.
- Rowell, Gwenith J. to Scheel, Henrietta Dorothy
- Scheidt, Colleen Moran to Shelton, Pearl
- Shelton, Stanley Allen to Smith, Gary Mark
- Smith, Gary Wootin to Spencer, William Casper
- Sperry, James to Stone, Sherry
- Stoners, Hen to Swiacki, Walter
- Swift, Julie to Thomas, James William
- Thomas, Janett to Toth, Kevin William
- Towery, A. B. to Vanhoy, Maude Edwards
- Vanmeter, Nettie to Warren, William Morton
- Washam, (?) to Whicker, Francis Ellen
- Whicker, George Anthony to Wicker, Romulus Smith
- Wicker, Sarah Alice to Wilson, Mary
- Wilson, Mary Ann to Wright, Wayne Copeland
- Wrinkles, Mabel to Zumwalt, Henry